Where can I find technology assistance on campus?

Where is the CTC? What is the CTC? How do I find tech support?


CTCThe Computer Technology Center 

The CTC is a Cabrillo College Support services offer solely to Cabrillo students:


Cabrillo College IT


You can contact IT Help desk and view their hours by visiting their website:


Or by phone at:(831) 479-6392

*limited services available for students see their services page or contact the help desk for more information. 



Technology Assistant is available remotely via TECHHELP. This includes answering computer/device questions and problem solving technical issues remotely. This service is staffed by students for students. TECHHELP a community resources open to residents of the Santa Cruz area.


There are 2 ways to engage with TECHHELP: 


  1. Go to https://www.cruz.one/ and select the “GET HELP” button. You will be asked “Which school do you attend or teach?” on the final screen and select “Cabrillo College” (at the bottom of the list after the K-12 schools). 
  2. Email StudentTechHelp at StudentTechHelp@cabrillo.edu Be sure to include specific details about your question or issue.

The TECHHELP team will connect via email, phone, Zoom or Chat/Text as needed to resolve your question.


  • Last Updated Apr 11, 2022
  • Views 86
  • Answered By Danielle Noble

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