Is there assistive technology available in the Library?

What is assistive technology? How do I access it in the Library? Where can I get more help with assistive technology and support services on campus?


What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive Technology can be described as hardware or software designed to make it possible for a person to access computer technology who otherwise would not be able to or who would be severely limited.

What Assistive Technology is available in the Library?

The following resources are available for students and others to use in the Cabrillo College library:

  • Three stations with scanners and Claro-Read software for converting online text or scanned documents to speech.
  • One station with JAWS specialized screen-reading software, and Zoom Text screen enlarging software.
  • A CCTV enlarging reader for use with any print source.
  • Multiple stations with adjustable carts for use by students or others with a variety of physical mobility needs.

What other assistance is available on campus?

The Accessibility Support Center, located on the second floor of the Library behind the HUB, provides services, accommodations, and academic support for students with disabilities and learning differences at Cabrillo College. Their lab in Room 1072 has additional assistive technology available during their operating hours. 

  • Last Updated Jul 29, 2021
  • Views 93
  • Answered By Past User

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