What is the Library's Code of Conduct? What are the Library's policies on noise and disruption?
How loud is it in the Library? What do I do if someone is disruptive or rude?
The Library has several policies about expectations for our user community. All students are expected to abide by the Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.
- Behavior. All library users are expected to behave politely and respectfully towards other users and toward Library personnel. The use of profanity or other abusive language toward Library personnel and other library users may result in removal from the Library facility. Solicitation and distribution/posting of flyers that have not been specifically approved by the Library Director and/or the Student Activities & Welcome Services Director is not allowed in the Library facility.
- Disruptions. Disturbing of library users for the purposes of electioneering, petitioning, canvassing, sales, and other intrusions, is prohibited, with the exception of library and campus surveys.
- Cell phone calls are generally prohibited in the Library, as it can disturb other people in study spaces and at computer workstations. You may use your phone outdoors on the veranda/walkway.
- Noise. The Cabrillo College Library is not a completely quiet place in many areas. In general, users may convers in normal speaking tones in areas at the front of the library, but are expected to be quieter and whisper in areas further back in the library. No talking at all is allowed in the Quiet Study Rooms on the second floor. Refrain from watching videos or playing music without headphones in common areas. You may be asked to check out headphones from the Check-Out Desk for use within the building or to turn off the device if it is not compatible with headphones.
If you are experiencing disruptive behavior, you may first address it politely with the individual causing the problem. If you are not comfortable addressing it yourself, or the individual does not respond to your request, please find a library employee to assist you.