Does the library charge late fines?

Does the library charge replacement fees?


The Cabrillo College Library and the Watsonville Integrated Learning Center are fine-free and no longer charge for overdue items that are returned.

Please note: If you have significantly overdue items, they may be subject to a fee to cover the cost of replacing them.


Q: What about my existing fines?

A: The library has waived and forgiven all overdue fines! You can verify your $0 balance by checking your account.

Note: If you have significantly overdue items, some may have been subject to a fee to cover the cost of replacing them.


Q: Will the library be charging overdue fines for textbook reserves?

A: Nope! We hope this encourages more students to use the free textbooks that the library offers. 

Note: If you have significantly overdue items, they may be subject to a fee to cover the cost of replacing them.


Q: I’m a professor who has lent textbooks to the library for student use and I have questions about my items. Who should I contact?

A: Rebecca Heine will be happy to help! She can be reached at


Q: I have a very overdue item and I’ve been charged a replacement fee for it. If I return it, can I get a refund?

A: Yes! Exceptions may apply for significantly overdue items.


Q: What about overdue fines for calculators?

A: There will be no overdue fines for calculators, though we greatly appreciate their timely return so that other students can use them. 

Note: Significantly overdue calculators may be subject to fees to cover the cost of replacing them. This fee will typically be forgiven if you return the calculator.


Q: Who can I contact with questions about fines and replacement fees?

A: Visit the library or connect with librarians via Ask a Librarian!


  • Last Updated Jul 24, 2023
  • Views 190
  • Answered By Past User

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