How long can I borrow items from the Library?

How long is the checkout period? How long can I rent a book? How long can I borrow a book? How long can I check out a DVD?


Borrowing books from the Cabrillo College Library is easy and fine free! Sign up for your library card at the Cabrillo Library's Check Out Desk or the Watsonville Integrated Learning Center.

Loan Periods (how long an item can be checked out):

Books from our general collection, new books, Watsonville ILC browsing collection items, and graphing calculators:

  • Students, faculty, staff, board members, and retirees: semester-long loans 
  • Community users: three-week loans (cannot borrow calculators)


  • All users: 1 week


Almost all print textbooks checkout for the entire semester.

Note: Some of the library's online textbooks have 2-hour loan periods and are renewable unless others are waiting in line for them. Every textbook has a maximum user cap. These caps very based on how many copies of an item the library owns. If a book is already in use by the maximum number of users, we highly encourage students to get in line for the item by signing up for the waitlist. Average wait time is usually less than 1 hour.


  • Last Updated Mar 02, 2025
  • Views 272
  • Answered By Past User

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Comments (2)

  1. If I checked out a DVD and haven't returned it after a week, is there a charge fee for a late return?
    by Calvin on Jan 04, 2023
  2. The Library is fine-free and we do *not* charge any fees for items that are returned late! Please note: If you have significantly overdue items, they may be subject to a fee to cover the cost of replacing them. Here is an FAQ you might find useful: Does the library charge late fines?
    by Aloha Sargent on Jan 04, 2023

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