How do I reserve a library classroom?

Can I reserve a library classroom for my own use? Do I have to have an information literacy session with a librarian to bring in a class? Whom do I contact to reserve a classroom?


The Library Classrooms and Silent Study room (room 1051, 1054, and 1055A) are primarily for instruction in the use of information resources or silent individual study.

The Library Classrooms are used to provide course-integrated information literacy instruction, including the use of information resources available through the Library, such as OneSearch and other electronic research tools. As such, the Library Classrooms are not typically available for non-library use. Because library information literacy instruction sessions may be scheduled during any of the library's normal operating hours and the number and times of sessions will vary from week to week, the library classrooms are not intended to accommodate semester-long (16-week) courses. Likewise, reservations by outside groups may not be made significantly in advance so that the room(s) can remain available for their core library instruction use during peak times of the semester. Library rooms are scheduled only when the library is open for regular business hours.

Only the Library Director, the Instruction Librarian, or the Library Services Coordinator may reserve the rooms. Exceptions are made on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of the college and must be approved by the Library Director, the Instruction Librarian, and/or the Library Services Coordinator.

First Priority: Information Literacy Instruction Sessions (scheduled primarily by the Instruction Librarian)
  • Assigned librarian required (with one week notice minimum):
    • Any Cabrillo faculty wishing to bring their class for a guided information skills session conducted by a librarian
  •  Assigned librarian not required (must be confirmed by the Instruction Librarian):
    • Cabrillo faculty willing to independently run an information-relevant session for their class
  • More than two sessions for the same course are discouraged.
Second Priority: Other Approved Uses (scheduled by Library Director, Library Services Coordinator, and/or Instruction Librarian)

These are listed in descending order of priority:

  1. Library faculty/staff instruction, training, and development programs or workshops
  2. Any Library-related use for outreach and cultural events
  3. Orientation sessions for online courses
  4. Program workshops from other departments, such as the HUB, Supplemental Instruction, CWEE, Transfer Center, Financial Aid, Accessibility Support Center, etc.
  5. Other uses, with approval of Director/Library Services Coordinator/Instruction Librarian
Users of the classroom will adhere to the following:
  • Configurations of the computers will not be altered.
  • No food is permitted, with approved exceptions.

Updated 1/2024


  • Last Updated Jan 31, 2024
  • Views 64
  • Answered By Joanna Kimmitt

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