Is there a way to access textbooks for free from the library?
I would like to know if there is a way to access textbooks for free from the library. Can I access the textbooks even when the library is closed?
The library has a large digital textbook collection that's free to use. Use the link above to search for your classes in order to find the textbooks you need. The library's digital textbooks have two hour loan periods and are renewable unless others are waiting in line to access them. Every textbook has a maximum user cap. These caps very based on how many digital copies of an item the library owns. If a book is already in use by the maximum number of users, we highly encourage students to get in line to access the item by signing up for its wait list. When students get in line to use digital textbooks, our textbook team gets a notification that can prompt us to get more copies of that textbook in order to meet demand as our budget allows.
Physical Textbooks:
The library also offers free access to physical textbooks and other course materials. Physical textbooks and other Course Reserves can be checked out for the entire semester! For more information about course reserves and textbooks, please visit this FAQ page and guide to searching for textbooks on reserve.